The Baby

The Baby

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It had only been a few months of us dating and Clayton taking of his baby mamma. He took her to her doctor appointments and whatever else she had to do. As annoying as it was I was still trying to be understanding that he was trying to do his part to insure that he got custody if the baby was truly his! The day she was born I was at the hospital waiting and pacing. I honestly felt as if Clayton and I had been married forever and he cheated on me and I was there supporting my man instead of running for the hills! It was A LOT!!! But when I laid eyes on her through that glass I fell in love! She was so pale she look albino! I was worried to death about the baby too. You see the whole dang time she was in the womb the mom was doing every drug she could get her hands on! It was awful! I can’t tell you what it all was but I do know she was always high. Word gets around in a small town and people know everything. Clayton tried his hardest to get the hospital nurses to check the babies poo to check for drugs but they just wouldn’t listen! But it wasn’t going to matter anyway! This sweet innocent baby we’ll call her Rose was going to be ours! I finally got to hold Rose and I knew I was in love! We had her every weekend and that turned into days during the week. One weekend while we had Rose we did our own DNA testing and did find out that Rose was 100% Clayton’s! I was rushing home from work so I could spend time with her before going home to my kids. Before I knew it I was moving in with Clayton so I could be there to take care of Rose! When Rose wasn’t there I was at my home with my grown kids. One was a Senior and one had already graduated. I spent every weekend with Rose and was not there for my own kids the way I should’ve been. I was letting Clayton use Rose to me to do whatever he wanted when he wanted. Later on I found out it was because he didn’t know how to take care of a baby and needed someone to do it for him and he knew that I was an easy target! I give my all to everyone I meet and I give more when I super close to someone. He finally got a lawyer at and fought for sole custody of Rose. She was 3 months old when he got a emergency guardianship over Rose and we got her on a Friday and court was on Monday so we didn’t have to take her back till court was over. The judge granted Clayton temporary guardianship until they went to court a months later. We didn’t have to give her back after court which meant we now had a baby every single day! My oldest daughter would come and watch Rose while we worked that was a big help. Clayton had to let the birth mother see Rose 3 hrs a week. That was rough. I had moved completely in with Clayton at this point. A months later they went to court and the birth mother couldn’t pass a drug test and Clayton got full guardianship of Rose. He didn’t have to let the birth mom see her if he didn’t feel it was safe. Within a few weeks the birth mother fell off the planet. She stopped contacting him and I kept notes of when she did see her and how often and how many different places and men she was with just in case we ended up back in court. Clayton and I were fighting a lot. And I was second guessing all my decisions. Our fights were over the birth mom and letting her see Rose. I found myself in the bathroom in the middle of the night (many nights) crying and begging God to just get me out!!

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