Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2 NIV
Patience is one of the hardest things in this world to have! And asking God for patience can bring trials in your path, that will test your strength and faith to see if you’re really trying hard to have the one thing you are asking for. Waiting for just anything is very hard to do. Waiting on your child to get ready to leave the house, that promotion at work, or and interview for a job. It all takes patience. I have learned over the years to stop asking God for patience. It really does just get me into trouble. I mean the situation with my life right takes a lot more patience than I have! I have to pray without ceasing!(1 Thessalonians 5:17) I have to live by faith not by sight! (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Think about Jesus. Think about all the patience He had to have with His disciples and just everyone He came in contact with! All the non believers! Even the believers! Think about His patience waiting for not only me to come to Him but ya’ll to! And He’s still waiting for those that are lost to come to Him! Jesus is being patient with us to tell the lost about Him! When we complain about our situations He waits patiently for us to come to Him and lay it back down at His feet so He can help take away the worry. He loves us through it all! Even when we pick that worry back up!
If you are frustrated that things aren’t going your way, and you’re struggling with having patience, I promise you that Jesus is there waiting for you to ask for help! I started this blog to share my story and my frustrations to let others know that they aren’t alone in this great big world. I promise you that I have my own frustrations and worries! And it takes everything I have to give it all to Jesus and talk with him daily! If I can do it then so can you!
I wanted to post something fresh and uplifting instead of what’s going on in my life! Sometimes this is more important than the trials of life! I have so much more I could talk about it, but I’ll save that for another time! Jesus is patiently waiting for you! Find your quiet place and tell Him all about it! He never leaves you or forsakes you!