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Once you were not a people,but now you are the people of God;once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:10 NIV

In this day and age everyone puts an emphasis on “finding yourself”. That wasn’t always the case in life. Especially for women, who have become a wife, mother, teacher, or a business woman. The list goes on and on. We lose ourselves in whatever hat we have on at that moment! And most of the time we throw ourselves into being whoever our family or job needs us to be and we never stop to think about ourselves. I know that in the past I have forgotten who I was. I was always Haley’s mom or Preston’s mom. Now I’m Rose’s mom and Clayton’s wife. I am a teacher so whenever the kids see me outside of work they don’t understand why I’m not at work. It’s really cute when they think I live at school. It’s really easy to get lost! I know that over the years I’ve allowed Clayton to turn me into whatever he needed me to be just to keep the peace! That is still sometimes the case! I do find myself fighting back from time to time!

God tells us that as Christians we all have an identity. We are His chosen people! His royal priests, His spiritual temple. I know that I’ve lost my way more than I care to admit! I’ve been in and out of who God needs me to be. Who He has willed me to be! I was ready to end my own life because I didn’t think God was hearing my cry for help! I was totally lost! Not just my identity! Because God sent an unlikely person to my house with devotional books, that showed me that God wasn’t done with me and He was going to help me find my identity! Remember God uses those who we say we don’t judge or frown upon, but we do. They can have the biggest impact on our life! With God’s help you can also find your identity. You can be restored to who you are supposed to be!

I promise you I still struggle with losing myself. Again, it’s a very easy thing to do! For me it’s getting up early while everyone sleeps and having my coffee and reading my devotions and talking to God about everything! It’s going to bed before Clayton so I can pray to God before I fall asleep. It’s those little quiet times that make the biggest impact on who I am! Not just a wife, mother and teacher. But a child of God who does amazing things! Not just in my life but in the sunrise, sunset, the rain and the snow! Just look outside and see all that He does! If you need help finding your identity just ask God and He will show you! Don’t let the things or people of this world change who you’re meant to be!



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