I feel like I’m on a merry- go-round and it never stops and I can’t jump! It just keeps going faster and faster! But that’s what it’s like when you’re married or involved with a narcissist. I spent my week making me a bite to eat before I go to work. Nothing ever gets said. Until I get up and make a coffee run and I was going to go the donut shop and grab Clayton something. Well the one by our house is closed. I didn’t know that. I did not have time to run back across town. So I told him to take my card and go grab him and Rose some donuts. Clayton refuses to go! And now Rose is refusing to eat anything because she didn’t get her donuts! My head is just spinning at the brattiness going on! So I made myself some eggs and he started pouting about how I was worried about him eating but didn’t offer him anything when I made myself something! I haven’t made him a thing all week! The difference is I got coffee and I didn’t get him anything! And it was just too cold for him to get out and go get him something with my money!
I’m now being accused of not really being worried about him and just worrying about Rose! Sir, you’re a grown man she is a child! He said all I was doing was spoiling her more than I already do. I really feel like there is some jealousy there. Clayton is jealous of the relationship I have with Rose! He doesn’t like it! But he doesn’t do anything but yell at her and won’t do anything with her or really take care of her! I rushed around to make him some breakfast so he would just stop being crazy! I understand his feelings being hurt because I didn’t make him anything, but he could’ve asked me while I was cooking! Knowing I have to get to work he could’ve come in and helped me! Or just slipped his shoes on and went to town. I’m trying to take care of Rose and get myself to work! He’s a grown man who can take care of himself! But it didn’t turn into a fight which was good! Everyone got fed!
A little later that day Clayton and Rose go to the store. Where they end up both having to go the bathroom. He tells her to go use the bathroom and when she comes out just stand right at the door and wait for him. Now Rose is terrified of being alone! Her nephew thought it would be funny once while fishing that the truck driving by was going to get her. He’s older than her! So years later no matter what I say or do she is still afraid and with this day and age she has every right to be. Meanwhile Clayton can’t get into the men’s restroom it’s full. So he’s out waiting for her and women are coming and going and he’s starting to panic that something has happened. Well Rose is texting me from the bathroom panicking herself. I told her to call me and put me on speaker until she met back up with daddy. When she walked out he asked her who was on the phone she told him me and he told her to hang up. She did, but she refused to stand outside the bathroom alone waiting for him. So he never got to go.
I know that he yelled at her making her feel worse! See her nephew never got in trouble for what he did. Well I talked to him and made him apologize to her. I told Clayton that yelling at her and forcing her to do things would only make matters worse. We have to help her overcome her fears! And if she needs to stay on the phone with me while she waits that’s okay and he needs to be more understanding. This isn’t the same time that we grew up in and she’s not him or me or any of her siblings. She’s Rose! Who has fears! I mean ya’ll Clayton takes baths! His uncles through him in a pool when he was like 2 or 3 years old and he’s been scared of water ever since! His mother babied him and he never got over his fear! It’s amazing to me how we as adults forget our fears when we were young and just expect our children to suck it up and get over they’res. It didn’t turn into a fight which I was thankful for. But he did walk around pouting looking for anything he could to start a fight. Everything that he tried to start a fight ended being things that his precocious Addi left laying around so he gave up.
This day is never ending I’m telling you! So he’s upset and she’s upset and they are making me crazy! Well it’s the last weekend for hunting and we made plans to go Saturday morning. Well without saying a word to me he tells Addi that he’ll watch the baby Saturday morning. When I find out I asked why he didn’t tell her we were going hunting. He’s reply is well one of us can go and the other stay. I knew right then that Rose wouldn’t go without me! So I offer to take Rose hunting and of course he gets mad because I don’t know how to set everything up and I may break a window out of the stand that I PAY for! I mean the grandson already did that but Clayton happily replaced it making excuses for it. Which I wasn’t upset because I know that accidents happen. So I said fine syou take her! I mean you put us in this situation. Well when Rose finds out she immediately says she’s not going. I explain to her the importance of going and how he’s going to be mad when she doesn’t go. She doesn’t care she’s not going without me. So tells him she’s just wants to sleep in it’s her last weekend before going back to school. And yes he’s very unhappy.
Rose is wanting to go the movies. He’s been telling her we can go. Well after everything that has happened in just one day he’s really not in the mood. So I told him it was all going to be okay. He just has to understand that little girls change their minds. Clayton says to me “Why should we take her to the movies since she’s backed out of hunting? Why are we rewarding her?” I was floored by what I just heard! I looked at him and said “we don’t punish her for changing her mind! She didn’t do anything wrong!” I said I’m not punishing you for saying you’d watch the baby knowing dang well we had plans! I mean you changed your mind on all of us going hunting! He starts pouting again and says he’ll stay home from the movies. I informed him that he would not be doing that and that he needs to understand that we don’t punish each other because we change our minds. That’s not fair! That’s not okay at all! I didn’t get upset with him for changing our plans without talking to me before he gave her an answer. It did upset me I just didn’t act crazy like him or pout like him!