God’s Blessings

God’s Blessings

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This post isn’t going to be about Clayton and our problems. This post is going to be about God and his son Jesus! Y’all all know about what’s been going on in my life and I hope that my story is helping all who read it. But, this post is about answered prayer and not realizing that God has answered you. We all know that I have been on this journey for 4 years now, and I’ve been faithful in my prayer time and talking to the Lord every day! Slowly He has paved the way for my blog.

First the Lord opened the door for me to be able to get a laptop and have it sent to my job where I kept it, Then I got an unexpected bonus at work that allowed me to pay for my hosting site and get everything set up. My job allowed me to be able to work on setting up my blog during nap time which was about 2 hours. I was able during the summer to go in before anyone got there to work on my blog. I made sure to give God all the thanks and glory for getting my blog to start taking off! He also put gentlemen in my path that had the connections to people who could help me even more by creating social pages for me and guiding me through this process! And man I’m so thankful for him and the team that is behind me helping and guiding me!

Now I did switch jobs and I fell into a depression because I wasn’t really able to write. No quiet time, poor internet service, the list just goes on! But then God removed me from that job which forced me to have to bring my laptop home I have to keep it hidden but it also has made me able to get up and write! Now here’s the really big blessing to me that is….about two weeks ago I was sitting out in the pool house having my coffee and God time and it hit me, I mean the light went off flashing and beeping! I’m able to get up early and write because about a month ago Clayton changed jobs! He leaves the house at like 3 am! I can get up and shower, and make coffee and write while spending time with God and writing! I MEAN WHAT A BLESSING!!! WHAT AN ANSWERED PRAYER! I’ve been telling God that I just need the time to be able to write again and HE gave it to me! God has given me everything I have asked for! A laptop, money to pay for my blog, an amazing team, time to write! It may not sound like much to some but it is the world to me!! It has taken time but that’s okay! Things take time and don’t happen over night!

Where Jesus comes into play is that He is the one that talks to His dad about us and our needs! Yes God knows everything about us! But He sent His son to die for us and our sins! Jesus is our go between so to speak! God hears us without a doubt! But Jesus asks He’s dad to take care of us! All you have to do is take a look around you! the sky, clouds, tress, water, the birds, stars, all the animals that make noise on those summer nights! God did that for us!! He shows amazing artwork in the sunrise and sunset! Take a moment to take it all in! I will leave you with these verses. Please just remember that things don’t happen over night! It all happens in God’s time for you and your life! You have to have faith and trust even in the hard times! That’s when you call upon Him more! “Walk by faith not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7

“Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” Matthew 7: 7-8

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