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People are always telling me that ” I made this choice”. I’ve told them over and over that no I did not make this choice. This is where God told me to be! I’ve made a lot of “choices” in my life. I chose to drink alcohol, I chose to have premarital relations, I chose to use foul language. We make choices in everyday life. Where we work, who we date, when to get married. But in those choices do we pray first?

Do we take the time to talk the the Lord and ask for guidance and direction? If you were like me the answer is NO. You just jumped without looking and did what you wanted to do. And that has gotten me into trouble! When I first met Clayton it was in a local bar.

I kind of knew his friend he was with and they walked over to me and my first thought was why are ya’ll over here. And then something fell over me and all I could feel was the evilness. It was just an awful feeling! My friends finally showed up so I was able to brush them off! I felt as if God was watching over me (even in a bar). I really felt as if I had dodged a bullet! I had seen Clayton one other time years later but he was with someone and I was staying far away! My relationship with the Lord was hit and miss!

Sometimes I was faithful to Him and sometimes I just blew Him off! In 2014 I was doing things in my life a little better not much though! I was big into God and the blessings He was giving me but still making bad choices! And then it was time! Time for me to stop making my choices and follow what God had in store for me!

He brought Clayton back into my life this time I couldn’t run and Clayton wasn’t leaving either! Rose was going to be born in August and she needed a mama! And God had me in mind! And yes I fought and fought and cried and cried and yelled and yelled at God! But with every cry, every fight, every scream God would show me why He chose me! And I would settle down and snuggle Rose tightly and thank the Lord for her!

It was a hard road and still is! But I know that the Lord is here every step of the way! When we listen to God’s direction and follow His instructions He will bless us! Yes you will still have trials in your life, but it’s how you handle those trials that matters! The way you handle them is pray to God about them.

Talk to Him the way I’m talking to you now. He hears you and He will show you the way!  See I didn’t make the choice to be with Clayton there is no way I would ever stay with a man like him! But God knows all and knew that Rose needed someone to take care of her and nurture her and show her the way to heaven!

I’m happy to be that person! Even if you have made the choice to be with an abusive person and you are down in the valley of life seeing no way out and no hope I promise you there is hope! Find God or if you already know God then pray and talk and spend every alone moment you have talking to Him! It doesn’t even have to be alone.

It can be in the shower, doing the dishes, cooking supper, cleaning the house. God hears you and is beside you every single day! He will bring you through your valley and when He does you never have to look back again! So again I say ” I didn’t make this choice God did!” I wouldn’t change a thing about it either! I’ve grown as a person, and mom, a wife and Christian! God knew what He was doing! He knows your life and how it’s going to turn out and the choices you’re going to make with or without Him.

My advice is to give your ideas to Him and let Him show you the way that is best for you! May God bless you and give you the strength you need to handle any situation that comes your way!

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